Family Doctor Website Just another WordPress site Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:08:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Family Doctor Website 32 32 214610645 How to Get Health Care Insurance for Seniors Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:08:53 +0000
Are you familiar with supplemental health care insurance? Many people are not; these days, most people sign up with their employer-sponsored health care insurance plans, or purchase individual health care insurance plans if their employers do not provide health benefits. While these methods work for many individuals, seniors should consider purchasing affordable supplemental health care insurance.

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about supplemental health care insurance for seniors.

What is supplemental health care insurance?

Simply put, supplemental health care insurance kicks in and pays for what your regular health insurance policy does not.

Why should seniors consider purchasing supplemental health care insurance?

Seniors dont always have the steady income that younger individuals have. If a seniors regular health insurance plan doesnt cover a significant portion of health care services, it may be difficult for the senior to pay for the gap between what is covered and what is not. Some seniors have a nest egg set aside to handle situations such as these; some even have separate insurance policies they can fall back on, such as life insurance policies. However, not all seniors have the extra money set aside to cover the gap in health care insurance; an affordable, supplemental health care insurance would work for them.

What does supplemental health care insurance provide?

The kind of coverage available with an insurance plan always depends on the insurance company from which you purchase the plan. Many supplemental health care insurance plans offer cash benefits and compensation for lost income. Some supplemental health care insurance plans even cover pre-existing conditions; pre-existing conditions are prevalent among seniors.

Do I need supplemental health care insurance if I already have Medicare?

Yes, having an affordable supplemental health care insurance plan is especially wise for seniors with Medicare, as Medicare doesnt often cover long-term health care, care provided at home or in a nursing home, or the costs of prescription medication.

Telehealth Service – Speak To Your Doctor On The Phone Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:08:47 +0000
Traditionally, family doctors have consulted face-to-face with patients. There are advantages in this approach communication is enhanced, vital signs can be elicited and management plans are easier to discuss and implement. But there are also drawbacks not least of which are the use of doctors time and the inconvenience for the patients.

Let me give an example. Let us say you are a patient and you have a cough and cold. You feel unwell so you make an appointment to see your doctor. The appointment is at 3.30 and you work 10 miles away. This means a round trip of 20 miles (if you are going back to work) and 10 or 15 minutes at least in the doctors office. In the end, he may not treat you except with his expert advice. All this time your workplace has been without you.

Change the scenario. You PHONE the doctor and he asks you questions. He may still wish to see you depending on the situation. However, as in this case, he might simply say you have a cold or you have the flu and give you help, advice and guidance over the phone (with a caveat that you can always be seen if you want to or if you get worse). The saving for the doctor is time (for a consultation that did not need face-to-face consulting) and the saving for you is time and inconvenience. It is a win-win situation which lends itself neatly to consultations for conditions that are thought to be self limiting and which affect people that have a modicum of common sense about them.

How To Get Supplemental Health Care Insurance Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:08:34 +0000
With over 17 million people in the United States alone suffering from Asthma and consequently seeking some form of asthma control, this respiratory disease has proven to be a very debilitating hindrance to optimal health. Breathing is the very essence of life and for this disease to hinder its natural process, an effective Asthma control will be essential. Characterized by wheezing sounds, tightness in the chest, difficulties breathing and at times cough spells and sore throats, I had my first asthma attack as a kid and up until about 6 years ago had these attacks rather frequently. This made for many sleepless nights (why with reaching for my Ventolin inhaler) and boring days locked in doors. This was simply because I didn’t have the cardio-vascular endurance to withstand play coupled with the added fear of allergic reactions to grass, dust or even a friendly pat on the back which could trigger an asthma attack at any time landing me right back in the bed for a week minimum. This (with acne and lethargy) was my state of health for years till I started to take up Yoga, considering its mild, yet very effective abilities to exercise the body without any vigorous demands. I was introduced to Pranayama, the Sanskrit name for Breathing Exercises and was told of the benefits of such techniques as the Bellows Breath for asthma control and was also shown how such simpler Square breathing exercises could be beneficial for curing and preventing asthma along with improving my overall health. The author of the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnu Devananda attested to curing many patients with asthma symptoms by correcting their breathing habits and with the introduction of a proper diet and exercise. Based on my experiences, I will now provide you with similar and up to date information on the tried-and true techniques and methods of attaining successful and permanent asthma control techniques. The first step to keep in mind whenever you are breathing is to make the conscious effort to ensure that it is done deeply. This can only be attained initially by conscious efforts but, with time and practice it becomes a natural process, like it was always intended to be. To gain the most amount of air with minimal effort, ensure that when inhaling, you allow for the dome of the abdomen to have an outward curve. Contrary to popular belief and instructions given by vocal coaches and even some doctors, do not raise the shoulders or stiffen the diaphragm when inhaling as this constricts the inflow of air for the lungs. For a good illustration of natural breathing as described above, simply observe an infant. You would notice a baby always breathes deeply from the abdomen although it is with a seemingly effortless approach. (I guess that is another reason why the great seers and prophets say to learn from little children eh? A simple test to establish proper breathing habits will be the following exercises. When executing them, ensure that they are done on an empty stomach and in a place with plenty of fresh air. Also, make sure that you breathe through the nose as often as possible. Asthma Control: Breathing Exercises to Use 1. Inhalation and Exhalation: -Either laying flat on a bed or sitting erect commence to breathing deeply, using a stop-watch or metronome to keep track of the time. The desired ratio here is 1:2. Minimum time for inhalation should be 4 seconds gradually building up to 16. (With the time for exhalation now being 8 seconds gradually building up to 32) consciously perform this exhilarating exercise for several weeks. 2. Inhalation-Retention-Exhalation -When you are properly established in exercise #1 the next stage included is retention. In ancient yogic texts, the required ratio would be 1:4:2 (inhalation, retention and exhalation) The minimum schedule again for this exercise is 4 seconds, gradually building up to a maximum of 16 seconds (inhalation that is) Practice this for several days or weeks till you master it and it becomes second nature. Although, from the indications above, youd notice that more emphasis is laid on proper breathing over diet as a step for a natural asthma control, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Braggs Liquid Aminos and Vinegar. Abstinence from the products above is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the “Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics” developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many chronic asthmatics have been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers. Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally. Also make sure to combine your meals properly and not to consume liquids of any kinds while eating so as not to constrict proper movement of the visceral organs that lie underneath the all important diaphragm. In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health. Asthma need not be a part of your life anymore; you too can effectively apply these natural asthma control methods with the steps outlined above. So empower yourself for a successful asthma control today with proper breathing and dietetic habits.
Helping Your Loved Ones With the Issues They Face Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:08:14 +0000

Most people are fortunate enough to live much of their lives with out worrying too much about how they will be cared for if they are unable to care for themselves or, perhaps more importantly, how they would care for loved ones who need ongoing medical attention.

In-home health care services are an option that helps to minimize hospital stays. While our hospitals are very capable of providing adequate treatment, there are a number of advantages to in home nursing care.

Hospitals are busy places. Patients receive care, but, with an ever growing case load, hospital workers are stretched to make sure everyone has everything they need. Nursing care in the home is one-on-one, so all the patients needs are looked after.

Hospitals need to be utilitarian. That means hard floors, walls all the same neutral colours and medical equipment at the ready. This helps the hospital function better, but it can make patients uncomfortable. Home health care means patients are cared for in the comfort of their own home.

Hospitals are not always the best place to recover. Long-term stays in a hospital can make recuperation take longer. In home care has the opposite effect, patients have familiar comfortable surroundings which helps them to recover much quicker.

Patients with chronic conditions, or those needing palliative care, find the strength that comes from receiving health care in their home helps them to deal with the physical and emotional hardships that result from their condition. In home care gives a patient a greater sense of dignity, independence and pride that can make it easier for them to deal with the issues they face.

The advantages can be lost, however, if the wrong in home health care service is used. You need a home care professional who is a qualified home health care provider. They need to know about what ails the patient, its symptoms and the proper way to use any equipment thats needed.

The home healthcare specialists at Qualicare are registered nurses who are specially trained in home nursing procedures. They know the healthcare system and can get the most benefit from it for you.

Information to Help You Make Health Care Decisions Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:07:31 +0000
Armed with good information, you can be your own best advocate when it comes to making health care decisions. That means not only gathering information on specific medical conditions and the latest treatments, but asking questions and seeking advice during your doctor visits. But where can consumers get reliable and accurate health care information? In many cases, it’s from prescription drug advertisements. Studies show that direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising starts important conversations about overall health and disease between doctors and patients-conversations that may lead to new diagnosis and better treatment. According to a Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital and Harris Interactive health care survey, for example, one-quarter of adult patients who consulted a doctor after seeing a DTC ad received a new diagnosis. Some of the most common new diagnoses included high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and depression. These conditions are often undertreated and underdiagnosed in the general population. “Direct-to-Consumer advertising plays an invaluable role informing physicians and patients both about disease and new and lifesaving medicines,” says Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) Senior Vice President Ken Johnson. “Educational advertising empowers patients to seek guidance from their doctors, which can lead to earlier detection and treatment of diseases.” Guiding Principles PhRMA recently issued new guiding principles to further improve the educational value of prescription drug advertising. Through these principles, pharmaceutical companies pledge to provide even more accurate information to patients and doctors about health and disease they can use. Key elements include: • Companies should submit all new DTC television advertisements to the Food and Drug Administration before releasing them for broadcast. • DTC television advertising that identifies a product by name should clearly state the health conditions for which the medicine is approved, as well as the risks associated with the medicine being advertised. • Companies should spend an appropriate amount of time educating health care professionals about new medicines or new therapeutic indications before beginning the first direct-to-consumer advertising campaign. PhRMA represents the country’s leading pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies, which are devoted to inventing medicines that allow patients to live longer, healthier and more productive lives.
The Importance Of Dental Care To Overall Health Sat, 08 Jan 2022 20:04:19 +0000
Dental care involves taking good care of your teeth, gums and the related structures of the mouth. Dental care includes prevention and treatment of diseases of the gum and teeth, and also the replacement or repair of defective teeth. In many cases people may suffer from dental diseases due to sheer laziness and lack of knowledge towards proper dental care, with mostly the children and at times adults who often do not pay enough attention to teeth care. They fail to realize that healthy teeth and gum is extremely important to keeping you healthy and sound. Proper dental health is not only important to our healthy physical looks; it is essential to the well being of the entire body.

Maintaining good dental health can at times prove to be expensive. Therefore it is important that you go for a good dental insurance that covers the costs of your dental treatment be it a routine check up or an emergency. Purchasing dental insurance from a good dental insurance company relieves you of the hassles and worries of the otherwise expensive cost of keeping your oral cavity healthy. With dental insurance you can choose a specific dental plan that is right for you. However, before choosing a dental plan from any dental insurance company you must pay attention to the following points:

* You should ask the dental insurance company for its actual office address and not just its P.O. Box address. This step should give you peace of mind in knowing that you are purchasing dental insurance from a real dental insurance company. Ask for its office phone number so that you can contact the office any time to learn more about its dental plans.

* Ask the dental insurance company if it covers specific procedures performed by your dentist. If you are searching for a dental plan that covers teeth fillings and teeth cleanings, that dental plan should not cost you much. On the other hand, if you would like to have x-rays and fluoride paid by your dental plan, then this type of dental plan most likely should cost a bit more.

* Ask the dental insurance company about your personal dentist’s role in its dental plan. If your dentist is not on its list, then it is rather useless selecting such type of dental plan. Since your dentist is the one most familiar with your dental health, it is better to ask your dentist which dental insurance companies’ dental plans he participates in.

Taking Care Of Your Health with Vitamins and Minerals Sat, 08 Jan 2022 19:57:41 +0000
Many people across the country and around the world are concerned about their health. Even if they are living healthy lives already, they are still concerned with keeping their health and trying to get the most out of life. When people are concerned with their health, they are aware of their vitamin and mineral intake. You can get many different vitamin and mineral substances within the foods that you eat, but many people do not get enough of these vitamin and mineral substances from food. To combat a vitamin and mineral deficiency in your life, you should check out vitamin and mineral supplements.

Vitamin And Mineral Supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements can be a great addition to your life in order to keep your body healthy. They are an important part of maintaining overall health in the body.
Vitamin and mineral supplements can aid in the prevention of illness and disease as well as giving your body the fuel to run properly. If you are living a healthy life with the right food, exercise, and vitamin and mineral intake, you will feel better about yourself. Your body will be able to maintain itself and repair itself when you sleep.

If you are thinking about beginning a vitamin and mineral supplement, first consult your doctor. If you take any medications you will want to check and make sure that a supplement will not interfere with your medication. You may also want to consult a doctor if you want to find out if there is a specific vitamin or mineral that your are lacking in your system. For general overall health though, many people find that a multivitamin supplement is the best type of vitamins to take.

You can get vitamin and mineral supplements in different forms as well. You can buy it is a liquid form that uses the consistency to be able to work in your body faster. It is also convenient for those on the go that do not have the time to stop and take a pill every morning. Another convenient form of vitamins is the spray form. It is very easy and quick to take.

For those who like the traditional pill form, those are widely available. For those who are worried that the pills may be too large to swallow or just have a hard time in general swallowing pills, there are chewable tablets available. Many people think that chewable tablets are only available in childrens vitamins, but they are also available for adults as well.

The Importance of Gluten-Free Vitamins Sat, 08 Jan 2022 19:50:34 +0000
More and more people are recognizing the importance of vitamins in health care – especially those that are gluten-free. A growing number of people in our health-conscious society are taking pains to seek out information on gluten-free vitamins and food supplements.

Studies show that vitamins in general are important to a person’s overall health. Most vitamins are available in the food we eat but not always in the right quantities. Also, vitamins and minerals are destroyed in much of the food we eat by high heat. Therefore, it is important to replace or supplement the nutrients that are lost.

Vitamin Deficiency in Health Care

Having a vitamin deficiency can cause many heath care problems. Maintaining the right balance is important to men’s health and women’s health. Problems are different for each gender, but both suffer from minor ailments such as sleep disorders, memory loss, poor digestion, enzyme loss, and low energy levels. Today, many are concerned about healthy skin, healthy bones, good cholesterol levels and weight loss.

Finding the right vitamin for your situation may help ward off serious problems later on. Doctors say that the longer you take vitamins the more substantial benefits there will be to your health. Read labels and see if the pills are protected from light by an opaque bottle. You do not want vitamins with artificial coloring or flavoring, sugar or gluten.

Dangers of Gluten

After many years of puzzling symptoms, health care providers have begun to recognize the threat gluten is to our system. Gluten is found most notably in wheat, rye and barley. Our diet has steadily increased in gluten consumption over the years. Along with that, many health care problems have arisen which are related to gluten in some people.

Not everyone has the same degree of gluten intolerance. Certain individuals are more predisposed than others because of their physical makeup. Symptoms of gluten intolerance are diarrhea, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies and fatigue. Other conditions are now being associated with gluten intolerance. Common autoimmune disorders such as Type I diabetes and thyroid disease are linked to gluten. Also the bone and nervous systems can be affected, causing serious health care issues.

Choose the Best For You

Taking a gluten-free vitamin seems to be a good choice for everyone. If you already suffer with any of the symptoms that are irritated by gluten, it would be best to avoid consuming it with your vitamins. Make sure that the vitamins you take are going to help you to their full potential by taking the purest formula available.

How to Apply Skin Care Products the Right Way Sat, 08 Jan 2022 19:46:31 +0000
It is pretty well known that different people get different results with the same skin care products. This can be caused by variations in body chemistry, but more often than not its because everyone applies skin care products differently. Of course, if a particular product doesn’t give you the results you expect, it doesn’t always mean you are applying the product incorrectly. Unfortunately, many products just don’t work as advertised, no matter what you do! To top that off, some products may work for some people but not for others even when used properly. Nevertheless, when a product doesnt work, it may often be due to incorrect application.

Products like skin creams, gels. or lotions are a mixture of chemicals that have a biological action, applied topically to the skin. So the effectiveness depends on whether the active ingredients work, and whether they are absorbed properly into your skin. Your skins temperature, hydration, environment and other factors will influence your skin’s ability to absorb the active ingredients in a product. To be sure that you get optimal effectiveness of you skin care products:

Cleanse skin before applying any products. The best time to apply is right after you come out of a warm shower or bath because not only is your skin clean, but it is also moist and warm, so it will absorb whatever you apply much better. Do not wash with hot water because excessive heat accelerates aging. Water should be comfortably warm but not hot. However, if you plan to apply anything oily that blocks the pores, splash cool water on yourself to close pores. Just pat dry with a towel. Also, use a charcoal shower filter to prevent exposure to the chlorine in the water. You probably drink bottled or filtered water – but you can absorb more chlorine through your skin during a shower than you would get from an 8 oz. glass of water!

When cleansing your skin, don’t use regular soap or shampoo, theyre much too drying. Use a good moisturizing soap, a skin cleanser, or plain warm (not hot) water.

The top layer of skin is mostly made from dry, dead cells. When this layer becomes too thick, either from aging or poor skin care skin, the active ingredients of a skin care product have trouble penetrating. Professional microdermabrasion safely removes that top layer of skin, revealing the healthier, younger-looking skin underneath and allowing skin care products to be better absorbed for greater effectiveness. In addition, microdermabrasion done regularly strengthens the skin by stimulating elastin and collagen production, which helps diminish wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and many other blemishes.

Use short, firm strokes to apply skin care products. Do not stretch the skin. Do not rub. After applying, gently massage the products into your skin by tapping the area with your fingers for 30 seconds or so.

When using a professional microdermabrasion product at home, it is important to read the directions and follow them very carefully. Remember, professional microdermabrasion is usually applied with expensive machines and medically-trained professionals. You can save a lot by doing it yourself, but dont be over-eager to get that 10-years-younger look. Apply the sponges gently the first time – let your skin adjust to the application. Add a little more time and pressure each application, about 2 weeks apart, up to a maximum of 3-5 minutes (depending on the sensitivity of your skin).

If you have sensitive skin or allergies, always test the products you want to use first on a small patch of skin on your underarm (the soft skin on the bottom of your forearm).

DO YOU HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN? Did you know sensitive skin is very common? More than 40% of people say they have it. Its causes include age, heredity, gender, and racial differences. These questions below can help you find out if your skin may be sensitive. Of course, a trip to your dermatologist is the best way to find out!

Does your skin get extra dry after you wash it with soap?

Does your skin get extra oily and break out after you use particular types of moisturizers?

If you answered Yes to one or both of these questions, you may have sensitive skin.

Does your skin get red, itch, burn, or feel “tight” after coming into direct or indirect contact with perfumes and/or particular shampoos, shaving creams, detergents, dish soaps, hair sprays, cleaning products, or deodorants?

Irritants to sensitive skin include many household and personal products. The fragrances and dyes in just about every household product, and many personal care products, can cause irritation either from direct contact or even from deposits left on your clothes, towels, or bedding. If you have any of the classic signs and symptoms of sensitive skin in Question 3, try to use hypoallergenic products without ingredients known to cause skin reactions.

Does your skin get red, itch, burn, or feel “tight” after extended exposure to sun, wind, heat, or cold?

Sensitive skin often reacts to extreme weather conditions. In fact, anything in the environment that damages your skin’s natural protective barrier against water evaporation — called sebum — can irritate sensitive skin.

Do you have acne or psoriasis?

People with acne, psoriasis, or skin conditions like eczema often have sensitive skin. These conditions impair immune system functioning and/or destroy the skin’s protective barrier. If you have of these conditions, you may have sensitive skin.

Tips on Choosing Your Baby’s Doctor Sat, 08 Jan 2022 19:43:49 +0000
During the last couple months of your pregnancy, you should start looking for a pediatrician. Finding the right doctor is very important. You should feel comfortable and know they will answer any questions you may have without making you feel like an idiot for asking.

Don’t wait until the last minute to talk to potential doctors. I had made an appointment with someone that came highly recommended. I had my son the day before the interview. Of course, when the hospital asked me who our pediatrician was, I had to use the doctor I was supposed to interview. I did like him, but my husband was not too happy with him. We changed to a different doctor in the same office after my son was a year old.

You can choose to use a family practitioner or a pediatrician. The difference between the two is a pediatrician specializes in children’s medicine; a family practitioner does not. Either one would be an excellent choice, so its more with whom you feel most comfortable. Of course, you can call friends, family or the hospital to get their recommendations. Talking to someone you trust might help the process go a little smoother.

When you have some candidates, it is time to call their office to see if you interview them. Many doctors will see you and take the time to discuss office practices, etc. But not all are available; their office may be too busy to talk to you. Once you have the interviews set up, have a your questions ready. Here is a list of questions you may want to ask the doctor during your interview:

1. What is your philosophy on raising children?
2. How much are your office visits fees?
3. How much are your hospital charges?
4. Is there a Nurse Practitioner in your office?
5. Do you charge for phone calls?
6. Who returns phone calls? You or your office staff?
7. How long are your scheduled appointments?
8. How often would you see my baby the first year?
9. Do you have a waiting area just for sick children?
10. Since there are other doctors in this office, will my child always see you?
11. Is your office available on Saturdays or evenings?

Now that you have visited and talked to each doctor, this is the time to discuss yours and your spouses impressions of each one. Your first choice may not be the one you stick with forever, but to be honest, you wont really know how it will work out until your baby is here and you can see the doctor in action.
